Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I feel like I've been gone so long, but I have been so busy preparing for the New York State test and really haven't had a chance to get any fun activities going for my kiddies. However we did have some time to make some cool butterflies last week to launch our butterfly unit! We used the butterflies to decorate our door. They came out really cool. I got some tissue paper and pipe cleaner to make the creative bugs.
Rainbows, Butterflies, & Caterpillars Oh My!!
Does anybody else have any cool door designs?

Earth Day was also another excuse to do some fun activities so I found a cute activity by Amy Lemons for Earth Day.  She comes up with the coolest activities and simple enough for my kiddies to do.  Modifications and adaptations is the story of my classroom with my students, but she always creates activities that are fun, challenging, and engaging that my kids can complete with little support.


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